Code of practice

  • Display the BCA logo on company website and all paperwork
  • Display your unique membership number on all paperwork
  • Maintaining a high standard of integrity in all working relationships.
  • Encouraging high standards of competence and integrity among employees.
  • Not undertaking work practices which might reasonably be deemed improper.
  • Complying with the appropriate legislation of the country in which he or she works.
  • Rejecting working practices which might reasonably be deemed improper and/or dangerous.
  • Ensuring the availability of appropriate training for any staff under his or her control and encouraging staff to take part in such training.
  • Raising his or her standards of professional competence by taking advantage of any training that may be made available.
  • Declaring any personal interest that may conflict or might be deemed by others to conflict with his or her impartiality in contractual matters or in Association affairs.
  • Not divulging any confidential information which may be received in the course of association affairs and not seeking to use such information to his or her personal advantage.
  • Members will not involve themselves in any form of price fixing or collusion.
  • Stop using the BCA logo immediately after membership ceases.

If the Code of Practice is breached, a member may be admonished, suspended or removed from our membership register.

All members will be able to clarify the circumstances that give rise to breach of Code of Practice.

Join the British Cleaners Association by agreeing to abide by our code of practice and providing 2 work references and insurance policy. there is an annual charge, members are required to use the British Cleaners Association logo on their company website and are free to use it on any other advertising.

Updated: 28-06-2019