Member benefits
Let's Work Together For Your Business's Success
The British Cleaners Association is the leading cleaners association in the UK. Organizations trust us because they know that we can help them find reputable and quality cleaners.
Becoming a member of our association is one of the most rewarding business decisions that you will ever make. All of our members are fully assessed and need to abide by our Code of Practice. They each work professionally and competently, and this is why so many organizations trust us. More organizations join our association on a daily basis.
By becoming a member, you will be able to leverage a large pool of clients looking for quality cleaners. We are the force to stand beside your company, and guarantee to your client that you are the cleaning organization they have been looking for.
You want your business to be successful; you want it to be profitable. However, achieving such a task in the face of competition is certainly not easy. It can become even harder if you are a small start-up business.
First, ask yourself- are you qualified to do the job? Do you have the necessary expertise to succeed? Do you believe that you will do an excellent job if given the chance? If you have answered yes to any of these questions, then you need to join us.
The British Cleaners Association is here to help you. By becoming a member, you will reassure your clients that you are the best in the industry. Organizations trust us because we've made a consistent pledge to help them find the best cleaners in the industry. This is why several organizations really depend on us.
Potential clients want to know who they are hiring; and any company recommended through the British Cleaners Association has passed stringent affiliation criteria. These measures increase your business's credibility in the eyes of your client so that you will have a better chance of landing more contracts and making more profit.
Benefits of Becoming a Member
- You will be able to use our industry-recognized logo on your Ads & paperwork. With this perk, clients will be able to spot you out easily and know that you are qualified. This technique increases your credibility and raises your chances of landing more jobs.
- We will provide references to prospective clients upon your request. What else could be better than having the leading cleaners association in the UK carrying your business on its shoulders?
- We offer preliminary legal advice. Running a business can be tough at times; you may have times where you might not know exactly what to do. We can deliver some legal advice; we have already helped others, now let us help you.
- We will also recommend a solicitor to help you deal with any contractual disputes. We have been doing this for some time now, therefore we can competently advise you on the best solicitors.
- You will have access to specialists in dispute resolution - including mediation, arbitration, and adjudication. Doing business with so many different clients is not easy. We have to face the facts here: there is a possibility of misunderstandings arising. By becoming a member now, you will develop a peace of mind knowing you will have help when trouble arises.
- All potential clients have access to our member's database. This increases your chances of being found in the cesspool of other cleaning companies who are not yet our members. This can also be a great way of beating the competition.
- Our goal is to let our members easily land jobs, so this website is an easy and effective way of doing just that.
- You also get 25% off of web designs from Next Theme. Focus on your cleaning business, and not on learning complicated codes to build your custom website. Next Theme is one of the leading web design companies in the UK.
- Online member profile on with on-page SEO.
- You will also get a free website backlink from us.
Our Objectives
- Support cleaners through modern and efficient services
- Reduce the risk of poorly-run companies
- Help to build prosperous business understanding
- Promote the British economy
- Build a better service by managing resources more carefully
- Effectively meet members needs
- Have a strategic program to promote action
- Work with companies to promote British interests
The British Cleaners Association is growing, and more benefits are being added to help your business save money and be successful. Become a member today so that your business can take advantage of our great services.
Finding a client in this tough economy, with the increased competition is not easy. But by joining our society, you will have a better chance of making it.
Businesses want cleaning organizations that they can trust, and with whom they know will deliver. We are the one organization you will ever want to stand beside your business and make it look credible.
Become a member, and enjoy our services. We are confident that you will enjoy and appreciate being in a relationship with us.
Remember, we are the leading cleaners association in the UK, and we are well known within the industry.
So let the British Cleaners Association stand beside your cleaning business, and give your clients the confidence they deserve.
Don't hesitate.